
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Global warming

Imagine if we had no world to live in and no more living things around us. That would be horrible! When people pollute the air it leads to global warming. Global warming is when the temperature of the earth’s surface is too hot subsequently the pollution is trapped on the earth’s surface.  When the pollution remains on the surface of the earth, it changes the temperature of the place.
The warming of the surface of the earth results to global warming.

In Antarctica because there is lots of Icebergs they will start to melt because of the heat of the sun and that will lead to floods because the level will rise higher and higher, Then the water will start to move to other places then flood those places this is a huge problem because some people have not learnt to swim. If the ice melts then some animals habitats will be destroyed. If the animal habitats are destroyed then they won’t be able to survive and this would lead to extinction.

Global warming will affect the ground as well cause droughts. The strong heat of the blazing sun lead the rise of the temperature of the place and affect the ground.  Drought happens because there is no moisture from the ground.  The soil are hard and nothing grow in the place. If we have droughts then people will have no food, water so they will starve to death.  The people get diseases due to the change of temperature and heat in Africa.       


It had been suspected by researchers for a long time that hippos came from a family of plant-eating,  semi-aquatic mammals called anthracotheres. They had no proof for the fossils found as the ancient fossils only dated back 15 million years.  

They found fossil, a jaw that they thought might be from an anthracotheres mammal.  They were curious of what they found.  The patterns of the molar teeth were unique just like to our fingerprints.  For these it made it easy or paleontologist to link it to the modern day animals just like the hippopotamus. It weighed about   220 pounds just like the ancient whales. The following animals like the lions, giraffes, antelopes and zebra’s arrived in Africa in the modern time but they were finding fossils of hippos in Africa at present time.  By Maira
Image result for hipposImage result for hippos in the modern days

Friday, 13 March 2015

Botanical garden

Botanical garden

I remembered when my sisters and I went to the Botanical Garden for the first time. It was amazing!  

We hopped in the double decker bus and we all wanted to go at the top of the bus but some of us to go to the bottom. Then we arrived and we were led to the courtyard. That’s when the two ladies told us there names. One of their names were Caroline. They explained what we had to do. That was before we had morning tea.

After morning tea we went into the classroom to learn about 4 types of plants which were native, endemic, exotic plants and weeds.

After the classroom we went to the children's garden. When we were in the Children's Garden we had a magic moment.  Then we had a story about a Tui that went to different trees. The last thing we did was to identify plants and trees. We got a card that showed a plant that we had to find.

When we finished we had to go and gather Kowhai seeds. We got envelopes and out our seeds inside it. Then the fun part came and we all went to the garden center.

First Caroline told us what we had to do. We had to watch her so we would know what to do. Then when she finished she told us what we had to do. First we had to get 2 yogurt pots. Then we had to pick what we wanted to do. Then we had to do the activities and if we finished, we had to find a plants. There was a plant that was edible that everyone tasted. When we got back to the courtyard it was lunch time and everyone was eating.

When we all finished eating we all went into our groups. We had to get leaves from the ground and take photos.

After the bush walk we had to thank the two ladies and we got ready to go back to school.

By: Maira                     


To love others like you love yourself-Romans 12:10
To obey God who has full authority over all of us and also the rulers or people in authority where they are-Romans 13:1
we can be respectful by being friendly, gentle and sensible-James 3:17
Respect everyone and show love for God’s people-Peter 2:17