
Monday, 30 June 2014

science fair

Science Fair  
What happened yesterday?
Well we had a science fair.    

Did you like/dislike it why?
I like it because you can look and do the fun experiments.

Did you learn anything new?
Yes I did I learn that room 5 if you rub a comb on your hands you can pick up some paper.

Would you like to have one of this nexts time?

Yes so we can all look at the work you have done and also of the other classrooms.

Mighty Muscles

Mighty Muscles
Do you know that we have up to six hundred muscles in our body. Our biggest muscle is our bottom and it’s called the gluteus maximus. Our smallest muscles is deep inside your ear. It’s called the stapedius. 
  How to build your muscles

To build our muscles you need to eat Eggs, Meat, Fish and Cheese for the protein and also eat nuts and soya beans.  When you exercise you are giving your muscles work. When you workout it keeps your body healthy and fit.


One day my aunt bought popcorn and I opened the packet and it all spilled on the floor.  When I was picking it up I thought of how they make popcorn. 

In my class, we researched on the computer on how to make popcorn. First we got the biggest seed. Then we put it in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag with the end of the left side open. Then we waited for a week. Then a little sprout from the grain came out. Very carefully we took it out and poked a little hole into a pot of soil. We  checked the pots every day and sprinkled them with water. After another ten days or so, we noticed leafy coming up through the soil. We transplanted the seedlings to the sunny spot of the garden. We watered it and watched it to grow. The stalks grow straight and tall. Once a week we measured them with tape measure. We work out the growth, how fast it grows - about 1-2 centimetres each day.

Some more facts we found out -how the seeds pollinates. First in the tassel/ the male goes down to the silk. The silk catches the seed and pollinates. Then in the ear, the female meet with the male and mixes. This make kernels then they  fertilise. This is an interesting topic to learn about.  

By Maira      

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Marie Curie

Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born on the 7 of November 1867 war in the Kingdom of Poland, the past of Russian Empire. She died on the 4 July 1934 and she was only 66. Marie had two daughters and their names where Eve and Irene. She got married to Pierre Curie. They got married in July 1895. In her growing up as a child with two teachers in the family, Marie was taught to read and write early. She was a very bright child and did well in school. She had a sharp memory and worked hard on her studies. In 1894 Marie met Pierre Curie. Like Marie, he was a scientist and the two of them fell in love. They married a year later and soon had their first child Irene. Then Eve came.
By Maira