Maud Island frog
Did you know frogs live in the water, swim with webbed feet, croak and catch flies with their tongue? Yes, but not this frog. This frog lives in Maud lsland in New Zealand. Maud frogs eat larva, worms, beetles and insects. Maud Island frog babies look like a tiny frog that is golden yellow and leap after birth. Maud frogs like to stay in damp rocks, damp place and rotten logs and they only comes out at night. Maud frogs sense with their ears and with their feet. Maud frogs are different to most frogs because they do not swim, croak and catch flies with their tongues.They have fingers, instead of webbed feet, they chirped and do not croaked, and lived in damp places, under logs and rocks. They are rare because they are not easy to find. They are endangered because of a fire that happened in Maud Island long time ago. These frogs are protected.
By: Maira
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