
Thursday, 10 September 2015

How do bees make honey

Image result for honey bees
How do bees make honey.

First of all they have to look for some flowers so they can get nectar. Nectar is 80% water with some multiplex sugars. Most bees collect their nectar from all sorts of flowers and they are sunflowers, daisies and other flowers. Then they collect the nectar with their tongues  and that goes to their honey stomach. Did you know that bees have a second stomach ? And their second stomach is their regular stomach but their honey stomach can hold 70 mg when it is full. Bees must collect between 100-1500  flowers to collect the nectar in order to fill up their honey stomachs. Then the bees go back to their hives and make the creamy, delicious honey that we eat today.

By: Maira


  1. Anonymous25/11/15

    Hi,my name is Maddie, I really like your information you did a good job! I like you idea about bees and I wonder how bees make there honey too I like how you put how much they can hold in there stomach.Also, I liked how you put some of the flower like sunflowers and daises.You did a good job on your information.

  2. Anonymous25/11/15

    Thank you Maddie for that.
